Learning Management System (LMS)

Deliver a seamless learning experience from enrolment to certification. Streamline course delivery, automate progress tracking, and simplify certificate issuance while ensuring compliance with VET standards

Efficient Online Learning Platform

Provide a straightforward, no-fuss online learning experience tailored for short courses.

Quick Mode On
Quick-start Course Creation

Build courses in minutes with our intuitive interface. Upload content, create assessments, and start training immediately.

Multiple Choice
Engaging Multiple-Choice Assessments

Easily create varied multiple-choice quizzes that keep learners focused and reinforce key concepts effectively.

Clear, Concise Content Delivery

Present course materials using rich text formatting, ensuring clear and structured content that doesn't overwhelm learners.

Streamlined Student Experience

Keep your learners engaged and on track with our user-friendly interface.

iPhone 14
Mobile-first Learning

Allow learners to access courses on any device, making it easy to fit training into busy schedules.

Progress at a Glance

Enable students to see their course progress instantly, motivating them to complete their training.

Geometric Figures
Low-complexity Interface

Offer a clean, simple interface that helps students focus on what matters - the course content and assessments. Best suited to high-volume course providers.

Powerful Administration Tools

Manage your training efficiently with our comprehensive admin features.

Time Machine
Real-time Progress Tracking

Monitor student engagement and completion rates at a glance, allowing for timely support and follow-ups.

Administrative Tools
Automated Certificate Generation

Issue certificates automatically upon course completion, reducing administrative workload and delighting students with instant results.

Flexible Reporting

Generate the reports you need for compliance and business insights without wading through unnecessary data.

What RTOPilot can do for your RTO


Shorter enrolment times. Less steps means more bookings. Let students secure their place at a training session and find their USI later.


Round-the-clock access for students and trainers. Enable self-service enrolment and certificate generation, enhancing user satisfaction and reducing staff workload.


Average annual savings reported by RTOs using RTOPilot, through reduced administrative overhead and improved operational efficiency.


Increase in on-time student completion rates. With streamlined processes and automated reminders, help more students achieve their qualifications on time.

A fresh RTO experience built in Australia

Designed to help you spend less time and save money in running your RTO.