
AVETMISS Compliant Software

Simplify your regulatory reporting process. Automate data validation, generate accurate AVETMISS reports, and submit with confidence, ensuring your RTO meets all compliance requirements efficiently.

Smart Verify

Enhance the accuracy of your student records with automatic verification.

Database View
Automated Data Checking

Verify emails, phone numbers, and AVETMISS records in the background, reducing manual effort and errors.

Improved Communication

Reduce bounced emails and wrong numbers, ensuring messages reach students reliably.

Check Mark
AVETMISS Data Validation

Continuously validate AVETMISS data, maintaining compliance and minimising last-minute corrections.

Report Generation

Create accurate AVETMISS reports efficiently.

One-Click Reporting

Quickly generate compliant reports using verified, up-to-date data.

Event Accepted
Flexible Reporting Periods

Produce reports for any timeframe, accommodating scheduled, ad-hoc and ASQA audit needs.

Report Review

Preview and adjust reports before submission, backed by continuously verified data.

Data Submission

Submit AVETMISS data securely and confidently.

Upload to the Cloud
Direct Submission

Coming Soon

Audit Trail

Maintain a detailed history of submissions, changes, and verifications for audit readiness.

Compliance Monitoring

Track compliance status with alerts for deadlines and potential issues.

What RTOPilot can do for your RTO


Shorter enrolment times. Less steps means more bookings. Let students secure their place at a training session and find their USI later.


Round-the-clock access for students and trainers. Enable self-service enrolment and certificate generation, enhancing user satisfaction and reducing staff workload.


Average annual savings reported by RTOs using RTOPilot, through reduced administrative overhead and improved operational efficiency.


Increase in on-time student completion rates. With streamlined processes and automated reminders, help more students achieve their qualifications on time.

Is your RTO future-proof?
See how RTOPilot can help.

Designed to help you spend less time and save money in running your RTO.