
Choosing the Best Learning Management System for RTOs

Discover how to choose the best Learning Management System (LMS) for your RTO. Learn about key features, compliance management, and how RTOPilot enhances efficiency and student outcomes with seamless integration.

Published on Sep 18, 2024
min read

Running an RTO comes with many responsibilities, like managing students, courses, compliance, and much more. With online learning becoming more popular, having a suitable LMS for RTOs is more important than ever. The right system helps you deliver courses, track progress, and handle admin tasks smoothly.

But with so many LMS options out there, how do you find the best one for your RTO? A good LMS can make it easier to manage online courses, track student progress, and stay compliant with regulations. With so many options out there, knowing what to look for is important.

In this guide, we’ll walk you through the different types of LMS platforms, key features to look out for, and how to pick one that fits your needs and budget. By the end, you’ll feel confident choosing an LMS that makes your training more accessible and efficient.

Understanding Learning Management Systems for RTOs

A Learning Management System (LMS) is essential for any RTO offering online courses. It provides a central platform for managing all aspects of the learning experience, from creating and delivering content to tracking student progress and issuing certificates.

Let’s say your RTO offers health and safety courses. With a Learning Management System (LMS), you can easily upload videos, quizzes, and other course materials, giving students access to all the necessary resources whenever it suits them.
For instance, the RTO can upload safety guidelines, instructional videos, and interactive quizzes on first-aid procedures. Students enrolled in these health and safety courses can access these resources through the LMS on any device, allowing them to learn and complete assessments at their own pace.

But what exactly should an LMS do for your RTO? Let’s break down the core features:

Offer online courses 

The main functionality of an LMS for RTOs is to deliver courses online. Whether you offer short training modules or long-term certifications, the system ensures learners can easily access materials, assessments, and progress tracking from anywhere.

Create engaging and interactive content 

With the right LMS, you can add videos, quizzes, and other interactive elements to your courses, keeping students interested and improving their learning experience. This makes learning more engaging and effective.

Assess student progress and provide feedback 

An LMS helps you assess how well students are doing by offering tools like quizzes, assignments, and reports. This allows you to provide timely feedback, which is crucial for maintaining the quality of training.

Track student completion rates and generate reports 

Tracking progress is a key function of any LMS for RTOs. You should be able to monitor how students are progressing through courses, see who’s completed which modules, and generate detailed reports for internal use or compliance purposes.

Manage email marketing campaigns 

Some LMS platforms also help with marketing by allowing you to send out automated emails. This is particularly useful for promoting new courses, keeping students informed, or following up on incomplete tasks.

Provide RTO training materials to students 

An LMS makes it easy for RTOs to provide learning materials to students. From downloadable PDFs to interactive resources, everything can be stored in one place, ensuring learners have quick and easy access to the materials they need.

Types of Learning Management Systems

There’s no one-size-fits-all when it comes to selecting an LMS for RTOs. Each type offers different advantages depending on your specific needs, budget, and how you plan to use the system. Here's a quick overview of the most common types of LMS platforms:

Types of LMS Overview
Types of Learning Management Systems (LMS)
Type of LMS Description Examples
Cloud-based LMS Hosted online, accessible from anywhere. Easy to set up and scalable. Moodle, Canvas, Blackboard
On-premises LMS Installed on your own servers, giving more control but requiring more maintenance. Cornerstone OnDemand, SAP SuccessFactors Learning
Open-source LMS Free to use and customizable, often with strong community support. Moodle, Chamilo, Dokeos
SaaS LMS A type of cloud-based LMS with subscription pricing. Cornerstone OnDemand, SAP SuccessFactors Learning
Commercial LMS Licensed software with a wide range of features but often at a higher cost. Adobe Captivate Prime, Docebo, TalentLMS

Key Features and Functionalities to Consider when choosing an LMS for RTOs

Once you’ve identified the type of LMS that suits your RTO, it’s important to look at specific features to help you run your training programs smoothly. Here are some important functionalities to consider:

Content Management and Delivery

A strong LMS for RTO should allow easy creation, organisation, and delivery of various types of content—whether it’s video, text, or interactive elements. Being able to upload files quickly, categorise content efficiently, and update training materials is crucial for ensuring an engaging learning experience.

Assessment and Reporting

Assessment tools are a must. The LMS for RTO should support multiple ways of assessing students, whether through quizzes, assignments, or live assessments. Detailed reporting is also important to track student performance and meet regulatory requirements.

Learner Engagement and Collaboration

An LMS for RTOs should provide tools that encourage student participation. Discussion forums, group projects, and peer reviews are some features that promote collaboration between learners and make the learning experience more interactive and dynamic. The more engaged students are, the more likely they are to retain information and succeed.

Administrative Tools and Features

For administrators, managing users, courses, and data should be straightforward. Features like automated reminders, scheduling tools, and compliance reporting are essential for ensuring the smooth operation of your RTO. A user-friendly admin interface will save you time and reduce the risk of errors. 

Pricing and Support Considerations

When selecting an LMS for RTOs, it's essential to find a solution that not only fits your budget but also provides the necessary features and support. Here are some key factors to consider when evaluating pricing and support options:

1. Types of Subscriptions

LMS providers typically offer various subscription plans, including:

  • Monthly: Ideal for organisations that prefer flexibility or have fluctuating training needs. Monthly plans allow you to adjust the number of users or features as needed.
  • Quarterly or Annual: These options often provide a discount over monthly subscriptions and are suitable for RTOs with consistent learner numbers. Annual plans can save you money in the long run if you’re confident in your system choice.

Evaluate the subscription type that best suits your financial planning and operational needs. Annual plans can reduce costs, but monthly plans might be better if you're trying out a new system.

2. Pricing Based on Number of Learners

LMS pricing can vary widely depending on the features, number of users, and support offered. When comparing options, consider these factors:

  • Subscription Types: Look for monthly, quarterly, or annual pricing options. Annual subscriptions often come with discounts, but monthly plans might offer more flexibility.
  • Pricing Based on Learners: Many LMS platforms charge based on the number of active learners. Make sure your chosen platform can scale with your RTO as you grow.
  • Support and Training: Good customer support is crucial. Check if the LMS provider offers dedicated support, training, and resources like help guides or video tutorials to help you get started.

RTOPilot: The Perfect Fit for Your LMS

RTOPilot is a purpose-built SaaS solution designed to streamline the operations of Registered Training Organisations (RTOs). It seamlessly integrates with your Learning Management System (LMS) to automate critical tasks like enrolment, compliance, and reporting, allowing your RTO to run more efficiently.

Here’s how RTOPilot complements your LMS:

  • Streamlined Enrolment: RTOPilot makes the enrolment process smoother by automating student registration and payments. It simplifies the process for students by allowing them to secure a spot in a course and provide their USI (Unique Student Identifier) later. It also automatically collects and validates essential data, such as AVETMISS information, ensuring compliance from the start.
  • LMS Integration: While your LMS manages the learning content, RTOPilot takes care of the operational side. Its integration enables students to enrol in courses, track their progress, and receive completion certificates automatically—all through a user-friendly student portal. This automation enhances both the student experience and administrative efficiency.
  • Compliance Automation: RTOPilot eliminates the headache of compliance reporting by automating data validation and exporting directly to regulatory bodies like NCVER. This ensures your RTO's records are accurate, up to date, and meet all reporting requirements, with minimal manual intervention.
  • Cost Savings: RTOs using RTOPilot report significant cost savings—on average, over $50,000 annually. By reducing administrative overhead and improving operational efficiency, RTOPilot allows your RTO to allocate resources more effectively.
  • Improved Student Completion Rates: With RTOPilot’s streamlined processes and automated reminders, RTOs have seen an 80% increase in student completion rates. By keeping students on track with their courses, RTOPilot helps ensure more students complete their qualifications on time.

By combining RTOPilot with your LMS, you can reduce administrative overhead, improve student outcomes, and ensure seamless compliance—all while saving time and money.

Steps to Choose the Right LMS for RTOs

Choosing the best LMS for your RTO doesn’t have to be overwhelming. Here’s a simple process to help you get started:

1. Assess Your Needs and Requirements

Begin by evaluating your organisation’s specific needs. Consider:

  • The size of your RTO
  • The number of courses and learners
  • The types of content you plan to deliver
  • Required compliance standards (e.g., ASQA regulations)

This will help you identify essential features like reporting tools, content management, and integration capabilities. Knowing your requirements upfront will prevent you from investing in an LMS that doesn’t fit your needs.

2. Create a Shortlist of Potential LMS Vendors

Once you understand your needs, create a shortlist of potential LMS vendors that match those criteria. Look for vendors with experience in the vocational education and training (VET) sector or those that offer tailored solutions for RTOs. Be sure to compare their features, pricing, and support options.

3. Compare and Evaluate Shortlisted Platforms

Evaluate each LMS by comparing them based on your essential criteria:

  • Does it support the type of training you deliver (online, in-person, or hybrid)?
  • Is the interface easy to use for both students and administrators?
  • How scalable is the platform as your RTO grows?
  • What level of customer support and training is included?

You may want to request demos or trials to test each system before making your final decision.

4. Make a Decision and Implement the Chosen LMS

Once you’ve compared your shortlisted vendors and weighed your options, it’s time to make a decision. Ensure you involve key stakeholders in the process, including trainers, administrators, and IT support, to ensure the LMS integrates seamlessly into your RTO’s operations.

Tips for Learners and Administrators

Both learners and administrators will benefit from a well-chosen LMS. Here are some practical tips to maximise the platform’s efficiency:

For Learners:

  • Simple login and intuitive UI: Choose an LMS for RTO with a user-friendly interface that facilitates navigation and course access.
  • Engaging content: To keep students engaged, ensure the platform supports interactive content like quizzes, videos, and discussions.
  • Track progress: Learners should be able to easily monitor their course progress, assessment results, and certificate statuses.

For Administrators:

  • Reporting features: Ensure the LMS provides detailed reports on learner progress, attendance, and completion rates to help you meet compliance standards.
  • System integration: Look for an LMS that integrates with other software you use, such as CRM or student management systems, to streamline administrative tasks.
  • Automate tasks: To save time, use automation features for administrative tasks like sending reminders, generating certificates, or scheduling assessments.
  • Vendor support: Ensure the LMS provider offers reliable support to resolve issues quickly and provide training when necessary.


Choosing the right Learning Management System for your RTO is a critical decision that can significantly impact the quality of training and administrative efficiency. By carefully considering your organisation’s needs, evaluating pricing and support, and following a step-by-step approach to implementation, you can select a system that will streamline operations, engage learners, and help you meet compliance standards.

Remember, the best LMS is one that not only meets your current needs but can also grow with your RTO as your requirements evolve. Whether you need advanced reporting tools, learner engagement features, or seamless integrations with other systems, take the time to find a solution that truly fits your RTO.

Start by assessing your RTO’s specific needs and shortlisting potential vendors. With the right approach, you can implement an LMS that provides lasting value for both learners and administrators.

When paired with the right LMS, RTOPilot offers RTOs a complete solution for managing training, compliance, and administrative tasks. While the LMS handles content delivery and learner engagement, RTOPilot ensures that your operations run smoothly—from enrolment to reporting. This makes RTOPilot an essential tool for RTOs looking to improve efficiency, reduce administrative burdens, and offer a seamless learning experience. Ready to enhance your RTO’s performance? Start with RTOPilot today!

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Frequently Asked Questions

How do I choose the right LMS?

Choosing the right LMS involves understanding your RTO's specific needs. Start by identifying the essential features your organisation requires, such as compliance tools, reporting, and learner engagement options. Then, consider your budget and pricing models and shortlist LMS vendors who offer solutions that match your criteria. It’s also a good idea to request demos or free trials to experience the platform firsthand before making a decision.

What features should I look for in an LMS if I want to offer both online and blended learning?

For online and blended learning, look for an LMS that supports flexible content delivery, including live sessions, recorded lectures, quizzes, and group discussions. It should also integrate with in-person training schedules and offer robust reporting features to track both online and offline progress.

Which is the best LMS system to use and why?

There is no single "best" LMS for all organisations, as the right choice depends on your specific needs. However, top-rated LMS systems for RTOs often include:

  • Moodle: Known for its flexibility and scalability, especially for those needing customisation.
  • Canvas: Offers an intuitive interface and comprehensive features, making it a popular choice for educational institutions.
  • TalentLMS: Known for its ease of use and built-in integrations, ideal for organisations that require a balance of features and simplicity.

The best LMS is one that aligns with your RTO’s learning goals, compliance requirements, and budget.

What are the benefits of using a cloud-based LMS for RTOs?

Cloud-based LMS platforms are accessible from anywhere and require minimal setup, making them highly scalable and easy to manage. They typically come with automatic updates and backups, reducing the need for IT infrastructure and maintenance, making them a popular choice for RTOs that offer flexible, remote learning solutions.

Can an LMS improve student completion rates in RTOs?

Yes, a well-implemented LMS can improve student completion rates by offering features like automated reminders, progress tracking, and access to course materials anytime, anywhere. These tools keep students engaged, help them stay on track, and reduce dropout rates.

Is your RTO future-proof?
See how RTOPilot can help.

Designed to help you spend less time and save money in running your RTO.