
Early Changes to Revised Quality Standards for RTOs

Overview of the latest revised RTO standards, key objectives of revision, and the impact on the sector included.

Published on Sep 18, 2024
min read

Australia’s vocational education and training (VET) sector is undergoing significant reforms to ensure that Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) continue to provide high-quality education that meets the evolving needs of learners and employers. Revising the Standards for RTOs 2015 is central to these changes, focusing on enhancing quality outcomes, improving clarity, and introducing greater flexibility in training delivery.

To this end, the Australian Government has initiated a series of reforms to revise the Standards for RTOs 2015. These revisions are designed to ensure the standards are clear, outcome-focused, and capable of supporting the diverse needs of the VET sector. As part of these broader reforms, several early changes have been introduced to provide immediate benefits to RTOs, addressing current pressures and laying the groundwork for the more comprehensive revisions set to take effect in January 2025.

This article explores the early modifications to the Revised Quality Standards for RTOs, their implications for the VET sector, and strategies for RTOs to align with these new requirements. Whether you are an RTO administrator, educator, or industry partner, understanding these updates is essential for maintaining compliance and delivering exceptional training.

Key Focus of the Revised Standards

The updated Standards for RTOs place a strong emphasis on quality outcomes, providing clearer guidelines for RTOs while encouraging innovation in training delivery. The revisions are aimed at strengthening the focus on:

  • Quality Outcomes: The revisions aim to ensure that training results in tangible, high-quality outcomes that benefit both learners and employers. RTOs should now take a more outcome-focused approach in measuring their success.
  • Enhanced Clarity: Simplified standards are designed to make it easier for RTOs to implement and comply. RTOs need to ensure their teams understand these changes and incorporate them into everyday operations.
  • Increased Flexibility: Allowing RTOs to innovate in training delivery while ensuring compliance. RTOs should consider experimenting with new delivery methods, such as blended learning, to enhance student engagement and outcomes.

Significant Early Changes: Practical Implications and How to Adapt

In August 2023, the Skills Minister approved several early changes to the Standards for RTOs. These adjustments aim to address current workforce challenges and provide immediate improvements to the sector. They also serve as a stepping stone for the broader changes set to be introduced in 2025. The following sections highlight the key early changes and their effects on RTOs.

Updated Training Products and Skill Sets

The revised standards now include updates to the Training and Education (TAE) Training Package, including a revised Certificate IV in Training and Assessment and a Diploma of VET. Additionally, new skill sets have been introduced to facilitate supervised training delivery, including:

  • Facilitation Skill Set (TAESS00021)
  • Volunteer Trainer Delivery and Assessment Contribution Skill Set (TAESS00030)
  • Volunteer Trainer Delivery Skill Set (TAESS00029)
  • Workplace Trainer Skill Set (TAESS00020)
  • Work Skill Instructor Skill Set (TAESS00028)
  • Young Learner Delivery Skill Set (TAESS00022)

RTOs now have access to a broader range of qualified trainers who can support training delivery under supervision, easing workforce pressures. This shift allows RTOs to involve more individuals in training while maintaining high standards.

Actionable Steps:

  • Assess Your Workforce: Review your current workforce to identify who can benefit from these new skill sets, such as the Facilitation Skill Set or Volunteer Trainer Skill Set. This will help you ease the burden of workforce shortages and increase training capacity.
  • Offer Upskilling Opportunities: Provide opportunities for current staff to upskill through the new skill sets. Consider subsidising or offering internal training programs to encourage staff development.

Expert Tip: Focus on recruiting trainers who may not have the full qualifications but can deliver training under supervision through these skill sets. This will help you address immediate staffing needs without compromising quality.

Engagement of Individuals with Education Degrees

Another pivotal change allows individuals qualified to register as secondary school teachers to participate as trainers and assessors in the VET sector. These individuals can deliver training under supervision and, with additional qualifications like the Assessor Skill Set, can independently conduct training and assessments.

Impact on RTOs: This expansion increases the available workforce for RTOs, bringing the expertise of secondary education professionals into VET and addressing shortages of qualified trainers and assessors while maintaining training quality.

Actionable Steps:

  • Leverage Secondary Teachers: Reach out to secondary school educators who may be interested in part-time or flexible roles in the VET sector. They bring valuable pedagogical (teaching) skills and can help fill gaps in your teaching workforce.
  • Provide Additional Qualifications: Encourage these educators to pursue additional VET qualifications, such as the Assessor Skill Set, to transition from supervised training to independent training delivery.

The Expanded Role of Industry Experts

As part of the revised standards, industry experts can now assist with assessment and training delivery. Although qualified assessors remain responsible for assessments, industry experts can bring invaluable practical knowledge to training sessions.

Impact on RTOs: This enables RTOs to deliver more relevant, industry-aligned training by tapping into the expertise of professionals who might not have formal teaching qualifications but possess significant practical experience

Actionable Steps:

  • Tap into Industry Networks: Engage with professionals with practical experience but need more formal teaching qualifications. Their expertise can help bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and real-world application.
  • Structured Collaboration: Establish clear guidelines for collaboration between industry experts and qualified assessors to maintain training quality and compliance.

Pro Tip: Regularly invite industry experts to deliver guest lectures or workshops. Their input can ensure your training stays aligned with current industry standards, enhancing your RTO's reputation.

Clarification of Fit and Proper Person Requirements

The revised standards provide clearer guidelines on the Fit-and-Proper Person Requirements for those managing RTOs. RTOs must ensure that executives, high-level management, and anyone overseeing operations remain suitable for their roles throughout their tenure.

Streamlined Compliance Processes and Minor Amendments

Several minor yet important changes aim to streamline RTO operations, including:

Validation Processes: Trainers involved in delivery can now participate in validation, provided they aren’t solely responsible for validation outcomes.

Terminology Updates: Replacing "training packages" with "training products" in clause 1.27 to better capture accredited courses.

Expanded Definition of Support Services:  Expanding to cover "wellbeing services,” acknowledging the importance of holistic learner support.

These adjustments reduce administrative complexity, offer greater flexibility and clarity, and facilitate smoother compliance.

These minor changes simplify processes and provide greater flexibility, making it easier for RTOs to meet their obligations.

Preparing for Full Implementation in 2025

While these early changes bring immediate improvements, they are a precursor to the full revised standards, which will become effective in January 2025. Pilot testing is already underway, and feedback from stakeholders will shape the final standards, expected by mid-2024.

RTOs are encouraged to assess their readiness, review compliance practices, and prepare for the broader changes.

Next Steps for RTOs:

  • Stay Informed: Keep an eye on developments from the pilot testing phase and anticipate the release of the full standards.
  • Evaluate Readiness: Conduct an internal audit to assess your RTO’s current compliance levels. Update training products and ensure staff meet the qualifications required under the new standards.
  • Leverage Technology: Consider adopting compliance management tools like RTOPilot to facilitate a smooth transition.

How RTOPilot Helps: With its automated compliance features, RTOPilot is an ideal partner for RTOs preparing for the 2025 standards. The platform ensures your RTO can maintain compliance while focusing on delivering high-quality training.

Common Pitfalls in Implementing Early Changes (And How to Overcome Them)

As RTOs adapt to the early changes and prepare for full implementation, several challenges may arise. Below are some common issues and practical solutions to help overcome them.

Maintaining Compliance

With evolving standards, staying compliant requires continuous updates to processes, documentation, and staff training. Some RTOs fail to adjust their internal processes, documentation, or staff qualifications in line with the early changes.

Solution: Conduct an internal audit to ensure your compliance systems are up-to-date with the new standards.
Implement automated compliance management systems, like RTOPilot, to monitor changes. These systems offer real-time reporting and ensure your RTO meets its obligations with minimal manual oversight.

Managing Training Delivery Complexity

The increased flexibility in training delivery adds complexity, especially for multi-location RTOs or those offering diverse programs.

Solution: Leverage learning management systems (LMS) that integrate compliance features. RTOPilot's integrated LMS and Trainer Portal can help streamline your training delivery and ensure consistency and compliance across all delivery contexts.

Leveraging Industry Experts Effectively

Integrating industry experts without compromising training quality requires careful management. Bringing in industry experts without clearly defining their roles can lead to inconsistent training quality.

Solution: Create structured guidelines and ensure close collaboration between industry experts and qualified assessors to maintain consistency and compliance.

Use tools like RTOPilot to document and manage collaboration among trainers, assessors, and industry experts, ensuring their involvement enhances training quality and compliance.


The early changes to the Revised Quality Standards set the stage for a more flexible, innovative, and outcomes-focused VET sector. By preparing strategically, leveraging the right technology, and staying informed, your RTOs can not only meet but exceed these new standards.

As the VET sector continues to adapt to new challenges and opportunities, RTOPilot will be there every step of the way, helping RTOs meet and exceed the new standards and ensuring they remain leaders in vocational education and training.

With its extensive features, user-friendly design, and robust compliance tools, RTOPilot is the ideal partner for ensuring your RTO’s success in meeting the revised standards. Contact us today and take a proactive step towards future-proofing your RTO.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Can RTOPilot be used for both corporate and public training?

Yes, RTOPilot is designed to handle both corporate and public training. Its corporate booking feature allows for custom pricing options and dynamic payment arrangements, making it easy to manage corporate clients. For public courses, RTOPilot supports group bookings, which enhances the flexibility of managing training for larger groups.

Do I Need an LMS if I Have a TMS?

Whether you need an LMS in addition to a TMS depends on your organisation's specific goals. A TMS excels in managing the logistical and administrative aspects of training, while an LMS focuses on delivering and tracking educational content. If your organisation prioritises e-learning, an LMS can complement your TMS by enhancing content delivery and learner engagement.

How Does a TMS Improve Compliance?

A TMS can help organisations stay compliant with industry regulations by automating tasks such as data collection, reporting, and documentation. It ensures that training programs meet industry standards, tracks learner certifications, and generates reports required by regulatory bodies.

How Does a Training Management System Save Costs?

A TMS reduces costs by automating manual administrative tasks like scheduling, registration, and reporting. By improving resource allocation and removing inefficiencies, organisations can focus on core activities such as developing high-quality training programs. RTOPilot, for instance, has helped RTOs save over $50k annually through streamlined processes.

What Does Training Management Software Help With?

Training management software helps organisations streamline the administration of training programs, manage resources and participants effectively, and improve the effectiveness of training initiatives. It offers tools for course creation, scheduling, registration, and reporting, enabling organisations to optimise their training operations.

What Is the Difference Between a Training Management System and an Enterprise LMS?

An enterprise LMS is typically focused on the delivery of educational content across a large-scale organisation and often supports more complex corporate training needs. A TMS, on the other hand, focuses on managing the administrative and logistical aspects of training, including scheduling, resource management, and compliance. Some systems, like RTOPilot, blend both functionalities to meet the needs of specific training organisations.

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